

Better Together   Notes from the Director's Desk     Tailgating One of the biggest frustrations during my entire driving career has been tailgating. When I look in my rear view mirror and can only see the headlights of the car behind me – my irritation level...
Who’s Right?

Who’s Right?

Better Together   Notes from the Director's Desk     Who’s Right? The internet makes it easy to think we’re “right”.  Because whoever it is out there writing algorithms keeps us bombarded with messages that sound like everyone agrees with us.  That must make us...

Synchronicity and Interconnectedness

  Synchronicity and Interconnectedness I believe in synchronicity. Sometimes things do seem to come together for no apparent reason.  I also believe that we are all interconnected and interdependent. This whole valley and every single person in it. Doing what’s...
Tough Stats and Inspiring Stories

Tough Stats and Inspiring Stories

Better Together   Notes from the Director's Desk     Tough Stats and Inspiring Stories Spring brings busy days to the Foundation.  Scholarships, awards, grant reports, grant proposals, ongoing fundraising, quarterly reports.  Sometimes it’s hard to stop long enough to...
Affirmations and a New Paradigm

Affirmations and a New Paradigm

Better Together   Notes from the Director's Desk     Affirmations and a New Paradigm Decades ago, a friend goaded me to attend a seminar – a portion of which highlighted affirmations. We were supposed to dig deep inside, find what we wanted to change to be our...
Let’s be clear about community…

Let’s be clear about community…

Better Together   Notes from the Director's Desk     Let’s be clear about community… Facebook locked me out! Mostly I used that little bit of social media to “like” what someone posted.  I rarely posted anything myself.  More important to me – I used Facebook to...
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