CFGV is dedicated to Gunnison Valley students
The Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley is proud to hold five active scholarship funds dedicated to furthering the academic goals of high school students in the Gunnison Valley.
The 2025 Common Scholarship Application is OPEN!
Deadline is March 31st at 11:59 pm
Apply now in the application portal; instructions on how to use the portal can be found here.
Read more about the available scholarships and learn about eligibility and requirements for each below,
or download a summary here.
Congratulations to our 2024 scholars!

Izabella Hartzell

Greisy Martinez Davalos

Miguel Hernandez
2024 Elena Pedersen Scholarship Winners
About the Elena Pedersen Scholarship Fund
The Elena Pedersen Scholarship Fund was created in late 2020 to remember and honor Ellen Pedersen, a long-time Gunnison Valley resident and advocate for the immigrant populations in the Valley.
Ellen’s early life experiences as an immigrant left an indelible impression on her. Over the course of her life, she lived in Argentina, Ecuador, Germany, Ethiopia and eventually landed in the United States, where she ultimately made Gunnison her home. She spoke Danish, Spanish, German, Amharic and English, and it was this immersion in so many cultural experiences across the world that would drive her work with immigrants in the later years of her career.
Through her work at the Multicultural Resource Office, Ellen became an important advocate for the immigrant population in Gunnison County, and she became a treasured member of the Gunnison Valley community. Ellen and husband, Luke, chose to establish the scholarship at CFGV in order to continue Ellen’s legacy of advocating for immigrant populations.
The Elena Pedersen Scholarship Fund will provide educational opportunities for children of immigrants or others whose parents did not have an opportunity for higher education, and honors Ellen’s life and work in a way that is very meaningful to her.
The purpose of the scholarship fund is to provide tuition assistance for any educational endeavor beyond the high school level for students graduating from Gunnison Watershed School District, and home-schooled students living in the geographic area served by the Gunnison Watershed School District.
Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Any graduate of a high school in the Gunnison Watershed School District who demonstrates financial need and is an immigrant, child of immigrants, or the first in their family to pursue postsecondary education (meaning parents/guardians did not attend a two-year trade school or four-year university)
- Involvement in community service and/or extracurricular activities
- Academic merit – maintaining at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout high school
The scholarship awards are intended to assist with tuition while obtaining an undergraduate degree from a university, college or training in other accredited schools of higher education including vocational schools. The award requires each recipient to begin his/her post-secondary education in the fall term immediately following high school graduation.
Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the institution in which the student is enrolled for the upcoming academic semester for each recipient. Funds will be divided between first and second semesters.
The total amount of the scholarship is up to $5,000. A grade point average of 2.5 and full-time enrollment must be maintained each semester to qualify for the scholarship the next semester.
To apply for this scholarship, go to

Ryann Nordberg
2024 GHS Teacher of Tomorrow Scholarship Winner
About the GHS Teacher of Tomorrow Scholarship Fund
The GHS Teacher of Tomorrow Scholarship Fund was established in late 2020 by two retired Gunnison Watershed School District teachers. They established the fund to assist graduating Gunnison High School seniors who are interested in pursuing a degree in education and becoming a primary or secondary teacher.
Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Any graduate of Gunnison High School who intends to pursue a career in primary or secondary education
- Academic merit – maintaining at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA throughout high school
- Involvement in community service and/or extracurricular activities
- Exhibition of leadership in community service and extracurricular activities
The scholarship awards are intended to assist with tuition while obtaining an undergraduate degree from a university or college. Recipients of the scholarship may reapply for the scholarship.
Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the institution in which the student is enrolled for the upcoming academic semester for each recipient. Funds will be divided between first and second semesters.
It is intended that the scholarship will amount to $1,500 total, split between first and second semester of the student’s enrollment. A grade point average of 3.0 and full-time enrollment must be maintained each semester to qualify for the scholarship the next semester. Recipients may reapply for the scholarship.
To apply for this scholarship, go to

Kailyn Japuntich
2024 Gunnison Kiwanis Club Scholarship Winner
About the Gunnison Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund
Every student has a different story to tell. The common denominator is that each scholarship applicant is trying to narrow the gap between what is affordable and what it costs today for a post-high school education. Established initially by the Gunnison Kiwanis Club, CFGV now manages and distributes this scholarship.
Scholarships will be awarded based on the following criteria:
- Any graduate from a high school in the Gunnison Watershed School District who demonstrates financial need and has been active in their community
- Involvement in community service and/or extracurricular activities that demonstrate student’s commitment to “pay it forward”
- Academic merit – maintaining at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout high school
- Preference given to students attending Western Colorado University
The tuition award of $2,500 is split into two semesters – $1,500 the first semester and $1,000 the second semester providing the student has maintained a 2.5 grade average and is enrolled for at least 12 credits second semester.
A wide variety of scholastic goals of the student applying are acceptable, including vocational or technical education, community college or 4-year college or university.
To apply for this scholarship, go to

Adelene Frymoyer

Meredith Diamond
2024 Gunnison Memorial Scholarship Winners
About the Gunnison Memorial Scholarship Fund
Time creates traditions, and after 55 years, the Gunnison Memorial Scholarship certainly qualifies locally as a fine one. The scholarship was established in 1967 to provide financial assistance with higher education costs to Gunnison Watershed students with financial need. Throughout those years, 180 graduating seniors have received both a financial and a morale boost from the scholarship.
The Fund was established to honor the memories of Tom Williams and Sandy Zeigler, members of the GHS Class of ’67, as well as others who have been memorialized with gifts to the Fund throughout the years.
In addition to founders of the Scholarship Fund, Robert and Laura Mae Williams and Sanford and Annabel Zeigler (Tom and Sandy’s parents), other founding members represent a microcosm of community leaders at the time. Those with long roots in the Gunnison area will recognize many of the names: Harlan Bryant (WSC President); LeRoy Hipkins (RE1J Superintendent); John Towles (Gunnison Middle School Principal); Donald Peterson (Physician); Harrison F. Russell (Attorney); J. Arthur Martin (Forest Supervisor); Lee Spann (Rancher); and Charles Page (Chamber of Commerce Director).
After being administered by a Board of selected community representatives for 45 years, the Fund was transferred to the Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley in 2012 for stewardship and management of its assets and the scholarship application and awards process. Following the intent of the founders, the review committee continues with representatives of the organizations named in the original Articles of Incorporation. Scholarship guidelines reflect original intent which is to serve students in the Gunnison Watershed School District who show a need for help with the tuition costs of higher education.
Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Any graduate from a high school in the Gunnison Watershed School District who demonstrates financial need and scholastic excellence
- A commitment to extending a helping hand to someone else in need during their lifetime
- Involvement in community service and/or extracurricular activities
A wide variety of scholastic goals of the student applying is acceptable, including vocational or technical education, community college or 4-year college or university.
To apply for this scholarship, go to
See the list of Gunnison Memorial Scholarship Winners since 1968!
If you know anyone on this list, CFGV would love to connect with all the past winners of the Memorial Scholarship and collect their stories.

Greisy Martinez Davalos
2024 Maxwell MacAllister Scholarship Winners
About the Maxwell MacAllister Scholarship Fund
“This scholarship is dedicated to my grandfather, Maxwell MacAllister, whose career as a teacher, coach, and principal spanned forty years for public schools in rural Iowa, from 1926 to 1966. “Mac” was the first in his family to graduate from college. His son Jack MacAllister, my father, once said: “My Dad was a teacher, and my father-in-law was a teacher, so the idea of improving educational opportunities for everyone is a tribute to the work they did in their lifetimes.”
Educating youth has always been the primary focus of the MacAllister Family Foundation, established by my parents. The Maxwell MacAllister Scholarship is awarded to Gunnison High School seniors who are the first in their family to pursue a postsecondary education.
~Jim MacAllister, for the MacAllister Family Foundation
The purpose of the Maxwell MacAllister Scholarship fund is to provide tuition assistance for any educational endeavor beyond the high school level for students graduating from Gunnison High School and home-schooled students living in the geographic area served by Gunnison High School. Students must be first generation college or vocation school bound; that is, students whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have not completed a bachelor’s degree or trade school diploma/certificate/degree.
Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Any graduate of Gunnison High School
- Involvement in community service and/or extracurricular activities
- Academic merit – maintaining at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout high school
- Preference given to students whose parents/guardians have not completed a four-year degree
The scholarship awards are intended to assist with tuition while obtaining an undergraduate degree from a university, college or training in other accredited schools of higher education including vocational schools. The award requires each recipient to begin his/her post-secondary education in the fall term immediately following high school graduation.
Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the institution in which the student is enrolled for the upcoming academic semester for each recipient. Funds will be divided between first and second semesters.
It is intended that the scholarship will follow the student through their undergraduate course of study with scholarship amounts of $1000 per year or until the course of study is complete, provided it is 4 years or less. A grade point average of 2.5 and full-time enrollment must be maintained each semester to qualify for the scholarship the next semester.
To apply for this scholarship, go to

Chris ONeill and Matt Howard
One Goal, One Passion Scholarship Fund Creators
About the One Goal, One Passion Scholarship Fund
Chris O’Neill and Matt Howard, seniors at Gunnison High School in 2014, created the One Goal, One Passion Scholarship fund to benefit the graduating class of 2026 – those youngsters in kindergarten the year the fund was established. The scholarship guidelines call for a balance of both academic achievement and community engagement. The winner(s) of the scholarship(s) will have attended school in the Gunnison School District from kindergarten through their senior year.
Chris and Matt invite YOU to contribute . . . think future! The amount of the scholarship(s) given in 2026 will depend on contributions given through the years and the growth of the invested funds.
To give to CFGV’s scholarship funds, simply click on the button below
and scroll down to find the scholarship fund section.