Agency Endowments
CFGV encourages nonprofit organizations to establish endowment funds that will provide a permanent source of funding for their operations and programs. One of the important benefits of an endowment is that the fund generates income through all economic climates; they offer stability during times of economic uncertainty. Once established, the Fund’s income can be directed each year to your agency’s operating budget, giving you stable revenue to support your good work.
CFGV achieves economies of scale by pooling your endowment dollars with those of other funds, which reduces investment management fees. We provide investment oversight, saving your staff and Board time and enabling you to focus on growing and enhancing your programs.
Every dollar earned from endowment investment is one less dollar that the organization needs to raise from grants and donations.
Endowment funds, often referred to as “agency funds,” have special IRS rules and accounting standards. To help offset administrative costs, the Foundation charges a very small fee for establishing and maintaining agency endowment funds.