Generosity – A Silver Lining

Generosity – a silver lining

A year of surprises. A year of uncertainty. A year of “novel” this and “unprecedented” that. It has not even been a whole year, and yet, at times it feels like 2020 has lasted for ten years.

There have been some silver linings in 2020. One of those is generosity. We’ve seen it all over the world, and the Gunnison Valley is no exception.


Lending a helping hand.

Making a gift to a local nonprofit.

Supporting local south valley and north valley businesses as frequently as possible.

The people of the Gunnison Valley stepped up in a time of crisis. And you continue to step up. For many, outdoor adventure or work or small-town living is what brought you here. More often than not, it’s the community’s caring and generous nature that keeps many of us here.

November is a great month to give thanks and give back. We’re kicking off the holiday season soon, and while it’s certainly a trying time, we have much to be grateful for.

Time and again, studies have shown that giving is good for us. It actually makes us healthier and happier. Everyone can give something.

Say a kind word to a stranger. Call an old friend to check in.

Buy coffee for the person in line behind you. Offer to shovel a neighbor’s walkway.

Make a card for a teacher, a business owner, a medical professional or a resident at the Senior Care Center.

Tip generously.

Build kindness out of crisis.

Listen to understand, not just to respond.

The Gunnison Valley is small enough that we really do have the opportunity to look out for each other, setting aside political views and personal bias. Let’s set an example for the rest of the country of what true community can be.

How can you help your community? Live generously. If you need some ideas or inspiration, let us know. The Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley envisions a dynamic culture of giving in which the full range of human needs is addressed by the community it serves.

There’s no rule book. Each of us has the power to give what we can, however we can, whenever we can. Whether you have time, money, or simply a love of your community, I invite you to take part in a dynamic culture of giving.

How to practice generosity…

  1. Celebrate every special occasion (birthdays, holidays, etc.) by doing something for someone else or giving a gift to a local cause you care about.
  2. When your child gets a new toy, consider having them pick another of their toys to donate.
  3. Set aside money specifically to give away spontaneously when you’re inspired to help someone or a cause in the community.
  4. Volunteer your time or lend your expertise.
  5. Talk to friends about the local organizations they love and why.

“Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else’s life forever.” – Margaret Cho

Interested in donating to the Community Foundation? Donate here. Thank you!

Click here to give!