Divisiveness and Coming Together

Yes, it’s true our country is experiencing an extraordinary display of divisiveness in 2019. And, yes, it’s true that I often talk about coming together for the greater good.

My feelings about coming together haven’t changed – I still think we, in this wonderful Valley of ours, come together to make good decisions on the really important issues even though we often disagree (quite vocally) about many other things. I think we could be held up as a model.

I was ruminating on differences of opinion and finally realized that our country was founded on divisiveness – the colonists broke away from a system in which they no longer believed and created a form of government they thought would serve the new nation for a long time to come. I promise I’m not going on a political rant – that was just an insight I wanted to share. Our country’s divisiveness isn’t as novel as it feels. And, we’ll somehow get through it all and come out stronger on the other side of the current heated (and often nasty) differences of opinion.

What was new in our country was the incredible proliferation of “doing good” at all levels of society.  From the sense of coming together to make a difference came the myriad of nonprofits that each exist to tackle an issue that they believe, with great passion, they want to solve or at least improve upon. Nonprofits inarguably fit in the “coming together” category. Which then fits nicely with the “gather together” theme of the old Thanksgiving hymn.

“What matters are relationships.” How many times have we each heard that? I believe it’s true. Even folks who disagree politically or about religion, or any of a variety of hot topics can be friends. We do each have one another – to call friend, to help in a crisis, to comfort and to love.

As Chris Coady’s Here for Good song says, “That’s what friends do – they’ve got your back.” I know that families can have major differences of opinion . . . let’s make a pact to let those differences go in the name of relationship and love as we gather around so many Thanksgiving tables later this month. Let’s come together in gratitude.

I have a few favorite and familiar quotes I’d like to share with you for the simple reason that I love them. You’ve probably heard them all multiple times. I hope you’ll think about each one during this coming season of togetherness, thankfulness, giving and love. Nothing esoteric – just classic thoughts about humanity and community.

“Come together right now . . .” ~ John Lennon, Paul McCartney

“No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.” ~John Donne

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” ~ African Proverb

We, at CFGV, are excited to join the national network of over 1000 community foundations celebrating Community Foundation Week beginning November 12th. Focusing on the issues that affect us all here in Gunnison County, we provide support to the 100+ nonprofits in the Valley through our grantmaking, special initiatives, one-on-one coaching and civic leadership. Every bit of the good we do happens because of the support we receive from our donors, volunteers and partners – we love you all!

We give thanks for donors, nonprofits and the community as a whole.

Donors: CFGV is eternally grateful to you for your generosity and passionate caring. Thank you.

Nonprofits: When you collaborate, you accomplish even more – keep it up! We’re grateful to be here for you. Thanks for calling on us.

Community: Let’s come together in love and unity – and be all we’re meant to be. We can do it!

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