Testimonials from NPOs and Volunteers

CFGV Community

Testimonials from NPOs and Volunteers

Warm sentiments from nonprofit organizations and volunteers. CFGV makes a difference for many people in our wonderful valley.

“I’m reaching out with a very heartfelt thank you. CFGV has been an incredible source of support for our dance organizations here in CB over the years. The STEP program, most recently, was such a gift to us!  Mark did a really nice job facilitating our board gathering, and I have enjoyed learning new tools and helping our vision along. What a resource. Also, I recently attended the El Pomar training for Executive Leadership. Pam, I cannot thank you enough for reaching out and giving me the nudge. That was exactly what I needed at this time. I feel incredibly inspired, educated and ready to conquer what is necessary to keep our non-profit community thriving. I am thrilled to play a part! Thanks for all the services CFGV provides. It is amazing to have such support.”
Adge L.

Crested Butte School of Dance

“Thank you for connecting me with Kim at the Rocky Mountain Health Foundation!  We had a great conversation today.  I’m certain this is a new funding source in the region that could be a very powerful partner for Living Journeys in the future.”

Living Journeys

“The extraordinary determination of the Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley gives all of us nonprofits the encouragement to pursue our passions.  Thank you so much for your leadership!”

Gunnison Valley Mentors

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