It’s Giving Season in the Gunnison Valley

Nov 20, 2023 | Notes From the Director


A Wonderful Time of the Year!

A postcard-like message that reads "Giving Season, The most wonderful time in the Gunnison Valley" over a snowy forest with sunshine peaking through the trees.

The Giving Season is one of the most wonderful times of the year in the Gunnison Valley. It’s a time to celebrate our community and share what we have with our friends and neighbors. As the world around us marches towards the darkest day of the year in December, the giving season offers a time to spread light, love, and hope. Below, we share ideas of how you can do just that, including how to maximize your donations this year and some ideas for local volunteering over the next few months.

Giving Opportunities

Local nonprofits rely on support from generous donors like you to deliver their missions and programs. What are you passionate about? Food security? Homeless dogs and cats? Open space and wild lands? Sustainability? Our shared history in the Gunnison Valley? Arts? Music? Supporting community members facing a cancer diagnosis?

Whatever makes your heart sing, there is at least one organization dedicated to delivering programming in your area of interest. Head to our new Gunnison Valley Nonprofit Directory. You can search based on name or category and find the organizations working on the causes you care most about. Each listing includes contact info and a website so you can learn more about their work and donate directly to the organizations that align with your interests.

Set Up a Fund

Was 2023 a windfall year for you? If you find yourself in the position of wanting to offset extra income this year, we’d love to talk with you about establishing a fund at CFGV to lay the groundwork for your long-term charitable legacy.

We shared the story of a philanthropic local couple who recently established a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) at CFGV in our Fall 2023 Newsletter. Check it out on page 4 to learn more about the benefits of setting up your own DAF. There is some paperwork involved, so please give Lauren or Jess a call at 970-641-8837 by early December to make sure all the details are ironed out before year-end.

Volunteer Opportunities This Giving Season

Two volunteers at a Habitat for Humanity build laughing while one hauls the other around in a wheelbarrow.Many local organizations increase their programming this time of year to make sure everyone in our community has a happy holiday season. The following organizations shared active volunteering opportunities with us:

    • Mountain Roots Holiday Harvest Boxes: Mountain Roots plans to pack and deliver 200 boxes of fresh, healthy, locally sourced food to community members this Thanksgiving (and 200 more later in December!). When we checked on Friday afternoon, they were still looking for two more delivery drivers for the Thanksgiving boxes (check here to see if they still need drivers). In addition to the special Holiday Harvest Boxes, Mountain Roots also delivers over 100 boxes to families each week throughout the Gunnison Valley and they have volunteer slots available throughout December.
    • Trailhead Children’s Museum “Museum Meet Up:” The Trailhead’s new “Museum Meet Up” program is a monthly volunteer night the first Tuesday of every month from 6-8 PM. Projects will range from cleaning to creative and will help the Trailhead continue to provide high-quality experiences to our community all year long. December’s Museum Meet Up is December 5. Head to the Trailhead’s site for a full list of volunteer opportunities and to let them know if you’ll be there in December.
    • Adaptive Sports Center (ASC) Volunteering: ASC is looking for volunteers who are mission-focused and able to be flexible in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. Volunteers team up with instructors to support ASC’s programming. Volunteers who can commit to a regular schedule throughout the season may be able to get a free CBMR-only ski pass. Full volunteer information is available on ASC’s website.

Share Some Light

Collaborations - luminariasFor the fourth year in a row, look for Resiliency Project luminarias on the winter solstice. This tradition, started during the dark times of the pandemic, is one of our favorite parts of the Gunnison Valley Giving Season! Luminarias will be for sale during Night of Lights in Gunnison and available to purchase leading up to the solstice, but details are still being worked out about when and where. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we’ll share the details and we’ll be sure to include it in our December monthly newsletter.

Light luminarias at your home or business to share some light on the darkest day of the year or join us in IOOF Park at 5 PM on December 21 for the community luminaria lighting and after hours shopping to pick up any last-minute gifts.

Whether you can give a little or give a lot this year, we thank you for all that you do to make the Gunnison Valley a vibrant community all year long.

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