Honoring Dick Bratton

Feb 18, 2025 | Notes From the Director


Fond Memories of Lyle Richard “Dick” Bratton

In early February, the Gunnison Valley lost a great man. Growing up in Salida, Dick moved to Gunnison to attend Western State College. He and his wife Donna left for a time so Dick could attend Law School at the University of Colorado. From there, Dick served a six-month program in the Army at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. After his honorable discharge, Dick and Donna returned to Denver where he practiced law until he returned to Gunnison in 1958 to join Ed Dutcher’s practice.

Dick had a long and storied legal career in the Gunnison Valley and across Colorado. His efforts helped establish water rights for environmental and recreational use. He also served as chairman of the Upper Colorado Water Commission from 2002 through 2010. In addition to his passion for water, Dick also had a passion for education. He founded the Western State College Foundation through a generous bequest from former Colorado Governor Dan Thornton and his wife Jessie. The Western Colorado University Foundation has empowered Western Colorado University to be more agile in investing in students, faculty, and their campus.

Commitment to Philanthropy

With Dick’s deep commitment to community and his experience founding the Western Colorado University Foundation, he was poised to help get the Gunnison Area Foundation (GAF) off the ground. Dick and the other Charter Donors saw the value in building community through a community foundation that would serve as a stable, nurturing presence far into the future. From grantmaking to strengthening neighborhood ties through family-friendly concerts and block parties; from mentoring nonprofits to spearheading community projects like the removal of the old Ruland School and transfer of property to WCU, Dick and the other co-founders of GAF committed to a vision of a Gunnison Valley made stronger through philanthropy.

Pam Montgomery, CFGV’s first executive director, remembers, “Dick had a heart of gold… His vision for making his chosen ‘place’ the best it could be included making philanthropy central to the spirit and health of the community. His door was always open for brainstorming—and with his vision, he always had great ideas.”  Pam shared that in addition to serving on the CFGV board and advisory council for many years, Dick was CFGV’s pro bono attorney for many of the early years.

group of 9 smiling people of all ages in an art gallery

Dick Bratton, Pam Montgomery, and other CFGV supporters and fans celebrating Pam’s retirement

Three older men watching the Western Colorado University Football team at the Mountaineer Bowl Stadium

Dick Bratton, Lee Spann, and Edward Howard enjoying a Western Colorado University Football Game

Dick’s legacy lives on through CFGV. He supported the merger of the with the Crested Butte Community Foundation and helped build CFGV into the Valley-wide organization it is today. Dick was instrumental in establishing the Endner Fund, CFGV’s largest endowed fund, from a trust Bill and Patsy Endner left for “charitable, educational, and community-betterment purposes in Gunnison.” So far, the Endner Fund has granted nearly $1 million to Gunnison nonprofits and charitable causes that are aligned with Bill and Patsy’s interests.

We are sending our love to Dick’s family and friends during this tough time. We hope memories of him provide comfort and hope you know how big an impact he has had on our shared community.

Simplified Summary

Dick Bratton was an important person in the Gunnison Valley who recently passed away. After going to college and law school, he moved to Gunnison in 1958 to work as a lawyer. During his career, Dick did many great things for his community. He really cared about education and helped create a special foundation at Western Colorado University that helps students and teachers. Dick also helped start the Gunnison Area Foundation, which later became part of a bigger organization called CFGV. This foundation helps make the community better by giving money to good causes and organizing fun events for families. Dick was always ready to help and give advice, and he even worked as the foundation’s lawyer for free for many years. Thanks to Dick’s work, the foundation continues to help people today. He helped set up a special fund called the Endner Fund, which has given over $1 million to help various good causes in Gunnison. Dick will be remembered as someone who truly cared about making his community a better place for everyone.

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