Starting a Fund

CFGV Donors

You Can Start a Fund Now!

Call CFGV at 970-641-8837
Email Lauren at



Why Give?

There are as many reasons for giving as there are donors. Whatever the amount, though, the motive is the same: to make a difference beyond a random act of kindness and to make that difference for more than the tax incentive the gift provides. Donors give because it feels like the right thing to do.

The Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley can help you identify and refine your motivations for giving. When we do that together, your giving can be more satisfying and more effective, and you can take philanthropy to the next level – for today and for tomorrow.

A Personal Connection

The Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley’s staff welcomes the opportunity to meet with you individually. They can answer your questions on effective grantmaking, the type of fund that will most closely match your goals, and the assets you can use to start a fund at the community foundation.

Pursue your Passion

Arts and culture, youth mentoring, education, community agriculture, environmental protection – there is an abundance of worthy nonprofits serving our community. The staff will help you connect your passion with action by matching your interests to causes you care about.

We steward charitable funds established by individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits – for the betterment of life in our wonderful high mountain valley!

Click here to give!